Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin HAS told members of Congress that the U.S. military was never without leadership during his hospital stay in January.
When the secretary of defense was admitted to the hospital for complications related to surgery in December, his authorities and responsibilities were temporarily transferred to Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks.
The Defense Department’s lack of notifying the White House and Congress about the transfer of authority had turned controversial.
“There was never any lapse in authorities or in command and control,” Austin said during testimony before the House Armed Services Committee Thursday. “At all times, either I or the deputy secretary was in a position to conduct the duties of my office.”
Nevertheless, the secretary conceded, there was a breakdown in communications and in making appropriate notifications regarding the hospital visit in January, as well as his surgery in December.
“Back in December, I should have promptly informed the president, my team and Congress, and the American people about my cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment,” Austin said. “We did not handle this right, and I did not handle it right. As you know, I have apologized, including directly to the president. And I take full responsibility.”
In early December, Austin was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Later in the month, he underwent surgery at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to treat that condition. In early January, he returned to Walter Reed for complications related to his surgery.
During both the initial surgery and the second hospitalization at Walter Reed, the secretary’s authorities and responsibility for the U.S. military were temporarily transferred to Hicks. But during neither of those hospitalizations was the White House or Congress notified of that transfer of authority.
Now, Austin said, changes have been implemented at the top levels of DOD to ensure that in the future, the president and Congress will know when and why authorities are transferred to someone other than the secretary.
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